175 x 1 x 10 Chin Press , BW squats 5 x 20, rev band curls, band pushdown
This was very decent. The only mistake I made was unracking with too much
leg and not enough arm tension. I was confused about that from the very
S'ok. We missed you. See you tomorrow.
Hope you are hanging on okay.
PS ... I'm the blogger formly known as Pixie, back to blogging in a new spot now.
Jenny, I loved having the kiddo over! They had an awesome time, next time bring them both!
I'm on the countdown - T minus 2 hours until I see my shrink and get some happy pills! Oh joy!
Pixie, I have been wondering WHERE THE HELL YOU'VE BEEN!!! Good to see you back, I wish you'd stopped in a few weeks ago, my KB training was rocking the house. Now? Not so much. I went down in the basement yesterday to do laundry and say my KBs, gymboss, and iPod and got so sad. I miss doing it. But I'm just so damn tired and stressed, I can't bring myself to start back in. Soon, though.
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