Dinner was steaks (they were a tad on the tough side, so I didn't eat much) and eggplant sauteed with garlic, wilted kale, and goat cheese. It was creamy and good, and the kids ate it well. My only snack today has been about 20 almonds and a few dried cherries. I had cream of wheat for 'dessert' - mostly because I was still hungry and it's filling (and I love it). It was a good day, as far as choices go. Plus, a kb workout and 3 hours of raking and bagging leaves in 35 degree weather. I'm beat.
36 kg one arm swings 25 x 5 in 25 min, 36-44 kg belt squats 10-8,
pullaparts 4 sets
Surprisingly strong especially since my left should subluxed a bit
yesterday evening and was still not right when I got up. Settled itself
thank g-d but...
I love cream of wheat! my grandmother used to make it for me when I was a kid and no one made it better. :)
I have been eating it every day! My Dad used to make it for me on the weekends when I was a little girl, it's very comforting.
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