More family crap hitting the fan- my 82 year old mean as fuck great Aunt fell and broke her hip, and is being, predictably, a giant pain in the ass. She. Hates. Us. For no real reason, other than that we're related. That's evidently reason enough. As if I need one more fucking thing on my plate right now.
Thank God for kettlebells. The thing I love best about them is that it's the only time all day that my mind is blank. Even when I would do yoga, I always had a hard time clearing my head of the 'noise'. But with KBs, all I think about is moving the weight. That's it. It's so simple, so obvious, and it's the only moments where I am not worried, or frustrated, or sad. I just wish I had more time to devote to it. As it is, I'm lucky to get it in 3 times a week.
I'm just so frustrated and over everything.
I hear yah about the KBs being the only chance to think about nothing else except not dropping the flipping thing on your head! KBs are worth every penny just for the therapeutic aspects. The smokin' body is just is happy biproduct!
Here's to you deflecting all the crap being thrown your way.
Did a five mile walk tonight - I'd swing every day if I could, but on 'off' days I walk. It's the only way I stay sane, even more so than with the zoloft. Hopefully, I'll be preparing to become a RKC this time next year. It's my long term goal. You inspire me, baby!
I saw your journal at CaringBridge and I see why you're frustrated.
sounds like the Kb workout is helping out more than just your body! I totally can understand that. keep up the good work!
She's truly an awful person. She told me, in front of my kids, that she wanted nothing to do with us and to leave her alone. The look on my Henry's face was so sad, I wanted to punch her. She is just such a bitter person, and I want to feel sorry for her, but I can't right now.
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