Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Where I blog after a serious eternity

I guess I can find time for a little update while I wait for my iPod to sync up. 

Let's see. In addition to the croup incident, I went to urgent care 2 nights later with my oldest, he has a broken finger. Joy! No guitar for him, and it has to be splinted for 2 weeks. I'm hoping we're over the mass illness thing for at least a little while. I'm finally feeling like myself to a certain degree. I'm slowly trying to get back on track with exercise - last night was a 4 mile walk, and tonight is a bit of swinging. I'm going down the basement with zero expectations- if I swing 50, fine. If I swing 500, fine. I know my muscle tone is down, as to be expected from 3 weeks of illness. 

My car is awesome, I absolutely love it. I never thought I'd love driving a minivan this much, but it seriously rocks the house. And it's fast, too - 240 hp! I'm still overwhelmed that my in-laws would do such a nice thing for us. Talk about lucky!

Alright, y'all, I need to get my butt in gear. iPod is done, so off I go!

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