Friday, August 24, 2007

Where I feel comfortable in my own skin

First off, Rush was awesome, of course! They didn't play as much older stuff as I would have liked, but it was all good. Brought back a lot of memories... I started listening to them when I was 15, and I'm 35 now! 

"If their lives were exotic and strange, they would likely have gladly exchanged them for something a little more plain, maybe something a little more sane"

Le sigh.

I think I need to really start focusing more on heavier swings, rather than high reps. I'd like to be able to do BOTH of course! But for now, it's an either or situation. I found that I could really feel the affects of swinging with the 26# yesterday. I'm of course more inclined to stick with the 18# because, well, it's easier! My abs particularly felt a little sore this morning. So, it will be heavier from here on out.

Oy, I am starving! I haven't eaten today and it's...... 4:30! Must. Eat.

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