Sunday, April 15, 2007

Where I pay for my cake in sweat

One hundred swings, 40 snatches. I didn't think I was going to make it until the end, but my mantra was 'cake'. I'm rather proud of myself, because the first day of my period I generally prefer to be a slug and consume around 4000 calories. By breakfast. So the fact that I (grumblingly, reluctantly, painfully) made my ass go swing is a big deal for me. We'll see how I do keeping the eating monster at bay today. I have got to get rid of that cake. It's even better today (yes, I had the tiniest nibble with my coffee.)

The house smells less like burnt chicken today, so that's good. We need a new microwave, but I am lovin' the extra counter space.

I did mad reorganization in the kitchen yesterday, cleaning out the pantry and neatly lining up canned goods. It was a total 'Sleeping With the Enemy' moment. Bryan wondered if he was going to have to fake his own death. I patted him and said, lovingly "you don't have to fake it." I swear, they need to turn that movie into a musical. Not kidding. Comedy gold. "LAURA!!!!!!"


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