Wednesday, December 3, 2008

just.... stuff

mental notes:
mocha from broadway in the morning
nothing until about 1pm (thank you assholes at the cancer center. I love waiting around hours for appointments) when I then inhaled a small bag of bar b q potato chips (individual size, not like a big sack) and 3/4 of an Odwalla juice from the cancer center's snack place. Again, THANKS. Note to self: bring a Lara Bar next time in case it runs over. Because it will.

then a protein shake with a banana and cashew butter (TBsp) about 1:45.
coffee with half and half now (4pm)

dinner will be salmon and veggies cooked in parchment paper. And I know I'll want something sweet to eat afterwards, so I'm trying to think what to plan on - must have a plan, or it all goes to shit. Any ideas?


Julie said...

which sweet did you end up having, sweets?

Christine said...

Ummmm... about a half a package of pecan sandies. Dammit!

Julie said...
