1,030 swings to be exact. In 30 minutes, with swing sets of 3 minutes, rest sets of a minute. It was a tad on the brutal side - and that was with the 8kg, only one set with the 12kg! I've been so focused on upping my weights, I hadn't used the 8kg much, except for double C&P and snatches. For swings, I mostly try to stick with the 12 and 16kg. I didn't think the 8 could ever feel heavy again, but doing longer sets, uh, yeah. It did. I only did one set with the 12, because 2 minutes in, I knew I wouldn't be able to do 3 minute sets. I tried to follow a pattern of 1 min. single transfers, 1 min. swing 5, transfer, swing 5, 1 min. swing 10, trans, swing 10. Towards the end, though, it was single transfers all the way while fighting off feeling lightheaded.
So that was good. It was a fun change up, and I liked getting the numbers in quickly.
There's nothing wrong with the 8kg!
I know, it just feels like a giant step back, considering how I spent all summer trying to up my weights! But you know, what I was doing wasn't working in terms of how I want my body to look, so it was time for a game change! Now if I could just get my eating back on track....
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