Anyway, today was 395. I did 250 swings (sets of single transfers and then sets of 5 swings per arm before transferring- one minute sets) with the 12kg and then 100 swings with the 16kg (alternating sets of single trans and 2 handed swings- 30 second sets). The rest double C&P with the 8kg and snatches with the 8kg. Those double C&P nearly killed me, my shoulders feel shredded.
I went for a walk the other night, unaware that there was an electrical storm brewing. I was about a mile from home when I noticed the crazy lightening not too far away. I decided to keep going and make it a quick walk, instead of my usual 5 mile trip. As I rounded a corner and thought to myself I had made a bad decision, I saw a car parked in the middle of the street. I realized it was my paranoid Mom, who is a weather freak and came looking for me. She said she had driven by me, but didn't think it was me at first because I looked so skinny - she thought I was a high school girl out walking! My Mom is not one to hand out compliments, but about every other day she tells me how great I look, and how KBs having really transformed my body. This is the first time in a long time that I look in the mirror and don't totally pick myself apart. Too bad the rest of my life sucks.
I think I would be pretty freaked out if my mom CAME LOOKING FOR ME when only out for a walk. Jesus. No wonder she makes you batshit.
See? So used to it. My Mom is always. Up. My. Ass.
"get in the car, there's lightening!'
I know better than to fight it. One of these days I'm going to pull an eye muscle from all the rolling I do.
your mother believes me to be an absolute ingrate for my love of severe weather. the way she used to chastise me about it was as if i myself was causing the weather to be bad.
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